Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"Top Dollar" Home Makeovers

Submitted by: Patricia DeCordova, Realtor - Stone Oak Office

We all love those dramatic TV programs that within an hour transform a rather boring looking home into a showplace. They’re fun to watch, the end result is stunning and offer us inspiration for our own homes. However, the producers have an unlimited budget, an army of qualified workers nor a spouse that says, “ I hate that color”.

But your home is reality an money has wings. Here are some ideas to increase the value of your home, make it more efficient and update your look.

Start with the kitchen and bath if you want bang for your buck when selling. First, lose the outdated wallpaper. Nothing says yesterday like your mom’s striped wallpaper. Now it’s easy to remove with a spray gel remover and a small tool that you roll over the paper. The stuff practically falls off. So, now you’ve got a bare wall. Your choices are to have texture sprayed on the walls, then paint or install the modern wallpapers that appear to have a texture or a subtle finish. Use a neutral color that will combine with appliances, cabinets and window treatments.

Consider painting the cabinets if they need it. Or replace the doors if you have the budget. Check out all the new designs for cabinet pulls. Brushed chrome is very popular now. Don’t go for “cutesy” here. Think traditional. The extra deep kitchen sinks are fabulous looking, not too pricey and very useful. A new kitchen faucet makes a big splash with buyers. Dishwashers are relatively inexpensive and improve the look and function in your kitchen. Look for a white or bisque color.

Baths are a sanctuary for many these days and get more design attention than ever. Again, simple and clean lines are the theme here. Choose a neutral color palette when buying towels, shower curtain and accessories. New towel bars, light fixtures and faucets can all be replaced without breaking the bank.

Good rules to follow: Concentrate on one room at a time. Look through home design magazines first to “Find your Style”. Check out several home improvement stores for ideas. Places like Target have lots of home design items too. Calculate all the stuff you plan to buy beforehand to get a total on your project. Then prepare to enjoy your home makeover!