Friday, June 29, 2007

Technology is changing the face of Real Estate

Submitted by: Ruben Cortez - Churchill Office

The rise of the internet has given anyone searching for information access to a wealth of data at their fingertips. Because of this, companies both in and out of the Real Estate industry have figured out ways to make money on your desire to find the best price of an existing house or find out how much your home is worth. While many of these companies work with information gathered from various sources their bottom line is to make money. Some companies have now adopted “price ranges” to classify the home you are buying or selling. The goal is to obtain your information such as address and phone number in order to get more specific information for you. Once you do this, some companies will then sell your information as a “lead” to others in the Real Estate industry and other industries, sometimes multiple times. Every wonder how your name ends up on emails and you have no idea how they received it? Save yourself time and effort by contacting a local Realtor that is a member of the San Antonio or Central Texas Board of Realtors. They can access the most current MLS (multiple listing service) to give you the most up to date information. If you’re selling your home or looking to purchase one, make sure the company and Realtor you choose to represent you offer everything you need. For more information on how technology affects the Real Estate market contact me at