Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seven Ways Sellers Can Ensure a Good First Impression

Submitted by: Rebecca Lowther-Marketing Department

There are many things sellers have to remember when selling a home. Keeping everything looking clean and tidy can be daunting and its easy to let the little things slide. Here are 7 things that could go unnoticed in all the flurry activity.

7 Things To Remember When Selling a Home:
1. Clean window treatments and windows: Wash the drapes or at least shake them out and dust any shutters or blinds. Dirty window treatments can make a home smell musty and can wreak havoc on allergy sufferers. Run over the windows with glass cleaner to make them gleam and let in the light. And don’t forget the window sills!
2. Dust ceiling fans: Ceiling fans accumulate dust fast and can make an otherwise tidy room look dirty. Run a damp paper towel over the blades to remove any dust that’s collected there.
3. Clean the baseboards: Use a a damp cloth to get rid of dust and marks from shoes. Touch up chipped paint.
4. Check for cobwebs: Carefully inspect ceilings, especially high ones, and eradicate any cobwebs.
5. Use candles and air fresheners to make your home smell inviting: We all grow accustomed to the smells in our house, whether its our beloved family pet, the fish we had for dinner or just the smells that accompany an older home. Although these odors might be faint, they can be quite noticeable to someone whose never been in your home. A fresh smelling candle or a few puffs of odor eliminating air freshener will keep your home smelling as good as it looks. But remember, overdoing it with air freshener and candles can scare people away just as quickly as bad smells, so use sparingly.
6. Pay attention to the front door: It must be clean and inviting. Use a household cleaner to get rid of any scuffs, smudges and fingerprints. Also, make sure the step and doormat are clean and tidy. Sweep away any leaves or bugs that may have been blown there.
7. Curb appeal: Mow, edge and weed the yard. Plant flowers for a splash of color. If you make your home inviting from the driveway, people will know you take care of it before they even walk in the door.

These little things may seem nit-picky, but they could make or break a first impression. Let people see your beautiful home, not the dust!