Wednesday, December 19, 2007

San Antonio is a great housing market

sumbitted by: Rebecca Lowther - Marketing Department

According to Forbes, real estate is looking up for 2/3 of the country’s big cities where median home sale’s prices rose.
Congratulations San Antonio! Once again you’ve proven yourself a great place to live. In’s August 16th article,”Best and Worst Housing Markets” San Antonio was ranked #6 on the list of Best US housing markets. Sandwiched between San Francisco and New York, the San Antonio market offers a median home price of $154,300.
According to, “Most of Texas has been immune to the housing downturn as many markets remain affordable, and good local economics have insulated much of the state from subprime fall out.”
Austin also made the list, coming in at number 9 with a median home price of $186,600.